Here’s An Amazon Delivery Driver Pissing On A Guy’s House

Screenshot: KDVR/William Washington

William Washington and his kids recently moved into a new home in Aurora, Colorado, and it appears as though an Amazon delivery driver was trying to help them break it in by urinating on it after he dropped off a package at the front door.

According to KDVR, the driver no longer works for Amazon thanks to a home security camera that captured him in the act.

Here’s An Amazon Delivery Driver Pissing On A Guy’s House

Hahaha. “Hardly what you would consider a neighborhood housewarming gift.” That’s pretty good for a local news report.

“It took me a second to even realize what was happening,” Washington said. “He just comes to a random person’s doorstep and just starts urinating.”

Washington added that he wasn’t sure at first what he was doing, but the puddle that quickly formed below was a dead giveaway. At first he thought it was just some random dickhead, leading him to wonder what he had already done to irk somebody in the neighborhood. Then he saw it was an Amazon delivery driver, and the rest is history.

No word if the driver would refrained from pissing on Washington’s house if he would have been an Amazon Prime member.

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