Guy Head-Butts Fellow Inmate After Learning Details Of His Terrible Crime

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After being sentenced to seven to 15 years in prison for sexually assaulting a four-year-old girl, a 29-year-old New Hampshire man named Christopher Elwell, was rightfully attacked by fellow inmate, Josiah Davies. Assistant Strafford County Attorney Emily Conant believes Davies attacked Elwell by head-butting him in the face a couple of times because the details of Elwell’s crime pissed him off enough to attack him. And we don’t have a problem at all with what Davies did.

Take a look at the video below to see Davies, who was awaiting a hearing on a probation violation, did to Elwell.

Elwell, a convicted sex offender, was caught by police after his victim told her mother all the awful things he did to her. The victim’s mother wanted Elwell to serve a longer sentence, but Elwell accepted a plea deal that saved the child from having to relive her assault in court.

And you don’t have to spend a day in prison to know that any guy that is a sex offender behind bars will go through hell while in there. So that head-butt is just the beginning for Elwell.

No word yet if Davies will get some time off his sentence for being a hero.

h/t Huffington Post

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