Drunk Driver Crashes Into Woman And She Somehow Survives (A Tad Graphic)

Photo: Wavebreakmedia (Getty)

Do you know what is one way not to end the year? Getting run over by a car while you’re on your way to work. And unfortunately for one woman that is exactly how her 2017 will be ending.

The video below, caught by a security camera, shows a woman walking to work on Avenida Tingo María, in Breña, when out of nowhere an out-of-control car drives right up to her and completely takes her out as she flies into the air. And well, while this lady was seriously injured she somehow is still alive.

Check out the video below thanks to LiveLeak, but heads up: it’s a tad graphic and might make you squirm.

Drunk Driver Crashes Into Woman And She Somehow Survives (A Tad Graphic)

And no surprise here at all but the guy behind the wheel was drunk as sin. But here where it gets strange: a man named Julio Fernando Franco Pastor tried to convince police that he was behind the wheel, as a test of ethyl dosage given to him came out negative. But witnesses accused Eduardo David Granados Angulo, the other man in the vehicle, to be the driver, and it seems Angulo and Pastor just switched seats.

Well, that plan didn’t work out.

We’re just glad that lady survived. Although her New Year’s plans are probably canceled as she’s going to have to watch the ball drop from her bed instead.

How? Remember When This Guy Got Run Over By A Truck And Survived?

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