Arden And The Wolves Braves The #MeToo Movement With Honest Indie Rock

Arden Leigh makes one thing clear through her music — she is very careful in choosing who to trust. And based on her brutally honest words, I don’t blame her.

Born in New York city but raised in L.A., Leigh’s band Arden and the Wolves is a new indie rock group who is addressing not only one’s insecurities, but the systematic injustice that can stem from such personal anguish.

The new EP Who Can You Trust even features Ramones cover “Poison Heart,” for good reason.

“In a world where it seems like there’s no good guys left, where anyone you know could be capable of unspeakable cruelty and pretending it never happened, ‘Poison Heart’ echoes the sentiments of those I see everywhere responding to the #MeToo movement with exhaustion, heartache, and despair,” said Leigh.

I admire Leigh’s music is heavily focused on its lyrics. Her words are powerful and brave. They appear ripped straight out of her journal.

And although dark, the poetry is obviously yearning for catharsis and an escape Leigh is hopeful can connect with others.

“Writing and recording the EP Who Can You Trust has been possibly the most magical, psychedelic experience of my life, taking me on a journey of self-transformation that I couldn’t possibly have anticipated at its outset,” said Leigh.

“I had also set an intention at the start of that year to heal from previous relationships and undo all the fear programming that a slew of betrayals, abandonments, and sexual assaults had left me with.”

I told you — honest. Brave. I would also add ‘valiant exploration’ while describing the music’s message.

“Another Year Of Rain” is a prime display of Leigh’s spiritual battles. It’s an anthem of overcoming distrust and abuse. It’s an honest work of art where Leigh turns her soul into a glass house.

There’s no question Leigh hopes her band’s music can instill healing and transformation for others. And unfortunately, we’re all currently just one click or swipe away from another #MeToo story. Therefore there should also be no doubt that Leigh’s music may be relatable to countless listeners.

“What people are inspired by is someone who is staying true to their heart and expressing themselves authentically, and you can do that in any form,” said Leigh

“Who Can You Trust” is a track slightly more uptempo that is just as authentic as “Another Year Of Rain.” The EP’s title track says everything in its name; even though you want to be with someone, putting all your faith and love into them, you likely know deep down who they really are.

Although Arden and the Wolves has a very specific audience in mind, their mission is praiseworthy. I think it will resonate with a lot of people. And hopefully, as Leigh makes very clear, provide a healthy escape or catharsis they may otherwise wouldn’t have found. Plus, one can hear a dash Evanescence in the music, which never hurts.

Josh Helmuth is a wannabe punk rocker music junkie who watched way too much MTV as a child when they actually played music videos. He also likes sports. Follow him here

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