
Best Video Ever Shows Burglar Get Drilled In The Face With A Brick Thrown By His Accomplice

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Outside of a pedophile getting smoked by a Toys”R”Us truck or a credit card scammer only getting his hands on a few Discover cards for a day, I can’t think of anything finer than watching two idiots fail at ripping off an established member of the business community because one of them throws bricks about as well as I wear dresses.

According to What’s On Weibo, a couple of would-be burglars tried to break into a Shanghai business during the wee hours of Valentine’s Day, but their plan was thwarted when one of the dipshits threw a brick that was meant for smashing glass but instead smashed his accomplice’s face.

The best part? You guessed it – security cameras captured the whole thing shake down, and it’s easily the greatest thing you’ll watch this week, if not this year.

Yeah, go ahead and watch that one over and over again, as karma didn’t take long to get on the scoreboard this time around.

It’s unknown what kind of store the two burglars were trying to break into or if it was their first stab at attempted robbery. Let’s hope there’s at least one brain cell still working in that guy’s dome, and he convinces the other prick that it should also be their last.

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