roseanne barr, roseanne revival 2018, roseanne cancelled, roseanne barr racist tweets

We Suspect Roseanne Barr Is Unaware Everyone Can Read Her Racist Tweets

Photo: ABC

Celebrities have long been known to make risky moves that either help or hinder their career, kind of like when Sanaa Lathan bit Beyonce on the cheek (that, or she had really good drugs). Roseanne Barr, despite being on top of the TV world with her Roseanne reboot, flew too close to the sun with her latest right-wing racist tweets and got herself cancelled from ABC. That’s right, Roseanne just got barred. This leads us to believe she may be afflicted with something many people over the age of 50 struggle with: not understanding how Twitter works, or the ramifications when used poorly.

Who would be stupid enough to tweet something so ignorant and career-damning, right? Nobody, let alone a celebrity, would be brave enough to tweet such hatred, knowing it could potentially tank their show.

While most people see Twitter as a quick and convenient way for staying up-to-date with their favorite celebrities, bands, and political leaders, Barr apparently sees it as a quick and convenient medium for racially slurring and spinning conspiracies. We suspect she’s under the impression that only the offended — and people who agree completely with her — can see her evil tweets. Not someone who wildly disagrees with her views like, say, ABC and the entire cast of her now-cancelled hit show.

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Like anybody over the age of 50, Barr should have left Twitter (which she did) and not come back multiple times (which she also did) upon realizing that everybody could see how insanely hateful she is towards people she disagrees with.

And this isn’t the first time Barr has gone “ape” shit with her racist comments:

After deleting her famed tweet, Barr apologized and “exited” Twitter, only to return with another too-late-for-apologies apology. She then directed her political bias at Chelsea Clinton, followed by more back-handed apologies. So it appears she also does not understand the meaning of the word “exit.” Luckily, that was remedied today, as ABC showed Barr the door.

You won’t catch Roseanne of a vice-versa version of this list, either: 10 Movies That Could Easily Be Successfully Rebooted As TV Shows

ABC decided on Monday, after trying to separate the Barr from Roseanne, that the not-so-savvy right-winger/conspiracy theorist had made a few too many distasteful jabs in the wake of her Roseanne renewal after an already-controversial first season back. ABC is rumored to have a new handbook entitled Things You Cannot Tweet If We Give You A Bunch of Money.

roseanne barr, roseanne revival 2018, roseanne cancelled, roseanne barr racist tweets
Photo: ABC

The revival (and final) tenth season ended May 22, but will not see its optioned sequel season after Barr went dark on the web. Her coworkers and cast members are now divided in the wake of her tweets after years of allegedly trying to convince her to delete the app from her phone.

Barr claims to not be pushing Trump’s agenda and that her show balances the views of both parties. However, her personal hatred reflects the same bigotry and ignorance as his with the same supporting audience and little to no remorse. Or perhaps, she is under the impression that her Twitter settings are set to “Private” instead of “Public.” That’s just not how Twitter works, Roseanne. May we suggest Instagram messaging from now on?

If Roseanne was looking to make a lasting impression, she did so today as she managed to get one of the biggest TV reboots cancelled with just a few (poor) choice words. She has now joined the ranks of the great unwashed hate-tweeters, the likes of Donald Trump’s daily spew, Betsy DeVos’s illiteracy and model Dani Mathers body shaming random gym members.

Join us next week when we teach Roseanne that sending kissy-face Facebook posts to her kids can actually be seen by all their friends.

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