Charlie Sheen is Insane

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In a sworn declaration filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday, Denise Richards claims that Charlie Sheen is an unstable sociopath who is addicted to gambling and prostitutes. Richards also charges that Sheen requested she have an abortion with their first child, and that he assaulted her in her Los Angeles home in front of their children on December 30. In the document, she details that Sheen told her she was “fucking with the wrong guy” and after pushing her to the floor he screamed, “I hope you fucking die, bitch.” However, the most shocking claim is that Charlie Sheen regularly surfed child pornography sites and belonged to several online dating services for the strict purpose of having sex.

[Denise] contends that Sheen “belonged” to “disturbing” sites “which promoted very young girls, who looked underage to me with pigtails, braces, and no pubic hair performing oral sex with each other.” Other sites visited by Sheen, Richards alleges, involved “gay pornography also involving very young men who also did not look like adults……..Sheen “belonged to several sex search type sites” on which he “looked for women to have sex with.” His online profile, Richards adds, included a photo of “his erect penis.”

When your potential husband whose ex-girlfriend was a porn star (Ginger Lynn) and made plans to fake her death or when he shoots his previous fiancee (Kelly Preston), you should immediately get married and have children. They also believe that being charged five times for drug possession and once paying $15,000 for a blowjob, is a sign of his maturity. It’s okay to love him despite his faults, but don’t be surprised on your honeymoon when the Russian hooker gets broken and the phrase “bring out the gimp” comes up.

Note: Just to raise the creepiness factor – these allegations come just two months after Charlie Sheen released a children’s clothing line.

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