Victoria Beckham Has Been Warned

Victoria Beckham is reportedly ready to have another child, but doctors have told her that she can’t have another C-section (it would be her 4th) or she will cause damage to her body. Herald Sun reports:

The former Spice Girl – who has three sons, 9-year-old Brooklyn, 5-year-old Romeo, and 3-year-old Cruz with husband David Beckham – is determined to have a little girl, but has been told she could damage her body if she has a fourth caesarean. “She wanted to try for a baby after the Spice Girls finished touring,” a source said. “But she’s put her plans on hold while she sees what can be done to help her. She knows she is putting her health at risk if she dismisses the advice of her doctors and has another C-section.” Doctors are concerned the 34-year-old could need an emergency hysterectomy if the op goes wrong.”

I guess “damage” is relative, because her tits look like she owed money to the mob one time and her nose, for all intents and purposes, looks like something from Charlotte’s Web. It’s safe to say that she could have this baby by squatting near an oak tree with a stick in her mouth and not look any worse.

Photos: Splash