Kevin Smith Is Too Fat

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Kevin Smith has a new movie coming out, so can he do to get as many people on his Twitter as possible to see the huge ad for Cop Out? Oh, I know! Times Online reports:

A Twitter storm has erupted over the ejection of an American film director from a Southwest Airlines flight for being too fat. Kevin Smith was told he could not fly on a Southwest Airlines flight from Oakland to Burbank, California, because he didn’t fit properly in the seat. Smith, director of “Clerks” and “Chasing Amy”, updated his Twitter account, which has over 1.65 million followers, throughout the incident. At one point he tweeted: “But, by their own guidelines, I was not, in fact, 2 Fat 2 Fly: the arm rests went down & I could buckle my seat belt w/o an extender. So…?” Smith, who has travelled with Southwest before, posted a picture of himself onboard the plane with his cheeks puffed out. His Twitter torrent sparked support from fans and prompted Southwest to issue an apology via its Twitter feed, as well as issuing Smith with a $100 voucher. Southwest’s “Customer of Size” policy requires larger passengers to purchase two seats if they cannot be comfortably accommodated in a single seat. It has been in place for 25 years.

Say what you want about his movies, but let’s not pretend Kevin Smith isn’t a fat ass. His heart is probably the size of a Care Bear, so if I worked for Southwest I wouldn’t know if I would need a stick collar or some treats to get him off the plane.


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