Kobe Bryant Attacked A Man In A Church

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And Kobe Bryant went into the temple of God, and cast out all of them who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves. No, wait. I mean Kobe thought somebody was trying to take his picture. Radar Online reports:

Kobe Bryant is at the center of assault allegations after a man claims the NBA superstar injured him during an altercation at a church, RadarOnline.com is reporting. San Diego police want to talk with the Laker’s star following an incident which reportedly happened on Sunday at St Therese of Carmel Church in Carmel Valley. The man has accused Bryant of grabbing a cellphone from him and injuring his wrist during the scuffle. Bryant reportedly though the man was taking photos of him and his wife, Vanessa, but after snatching the device, realized there were no pictures and handed it back. The unidentified man went to hospital for treatment following the alleged incident. Bryant has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

I’m just glad nobody was seriously hurt. I mean, it was a Catholic church. A little boy might have walked by and got raped.