Gerard Butler Really Likes Cocaine/Prescription Drugs

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Gerard Butler is checking into Betty Ford today for what is being described as “issues with pain management”. Or “I manage to pop pain pill like Tic-Tacs even when I’m not in pain” or “Bro, I was so fucking high one time I banged Brandi Glanville and don’t even remember that shit. Who are you calling?”


Butler’s problems were triggered by the physical demands of shooting “300” in 2006. We’re told the actor began struggling with pain management, and the problem became exacerbated while filming “Of Men and Mavericks,” when Butler was badly hurt on December 18 during a surfing accident. We’re told Butler realized he was relying too much on prescription drugs and decided to head off a full-blown addiction by entering Betty Ford three weeks ago. Sources tell TMZ … Butler also developed issues with cocaine, but the root problem appears to be the injuries and pain management. We’re told Butler will be leaving Betty Ford later today.

I probably should have called this weeks ago, because Jess loves Gerard Butler and only spreads her disproportionate legs for Mexicans or dudes with severe drug problems. Or Mexicans with severe drug problems. As soon as that kid from ModerN Family grows up and gets hooked on heroin, Jess’s vagina could water a small to medium sized farm.