Zimmerman Juror B37 Isn’t Writing A Book Anymore


Because you should never let a tragedy keep you from reaping financial rewards from it, Zimmer Juror, Juror B37, pursued a book deal with Martin Literary Management LLC.  Then she went on Anderson Cooper 360 and by the end of the show, it was obvious to everyone that she lived in fear of a black planet and that poor George Zimmerman had his heart in the right place but had to learn a valuable life lesson by killing that colored boy. So naturally, immediately after the show aired, the book deal was pulled as fast as Zimmerman pulled his gun. In an email, Sharlene Martin said the following:

“After careful consideration regarding the proposed book project with Zimmerman Juror B37, I have decided to rescind my offer of representation in the exploration of a book based upon this case,”

And just to further prove that she has no idea how things work, Juror B37 released this statement after she was dropped. Hint: It was her idea all along!

“I realize it was necessary for our jury to be sequestered in order to protest our verdict from unfair outside influence, but that isolation shielded me from the depth of pain that exists among the general public over every aspect of this case. The potential book was always intended to be a respectful observation of the trial from my and my husband’s perspectives solely and it was to be an observation that our ‘system’ of justice can get so complicated that it creates a conflict with our ‘spirit’ of justice. Now that I am returned to my family and to society in general, I have realized that the best direction for me to go is away from writing any sort of book and return instead to my life as it was before I was called to sit on this jury.”

Ok, let's cut the shit shall we? Her banal prejudice and blatant identifying with George Zimmerman aside, for a person who claims to hate the media, this chick sure jumped out of her blurred panties to get on television real quick. People were still protesting in the street and she had already announced a book deal. Let's be real here. Her husband is a lawyer. Of course she knew about the trial. Of course she wanted to be on the jury just to cash in. And like most things that obvious ploys, it quickly blew up in her overacted cryface. Somebody should her a bag of Skittles to cheer her up.


You can watch part 2 of the interview below:



NOTE: I wasn't going to touch on this, but whatever. Let's rant. I'm not going to sit here and call George Zimmerman a racist, because there's lots of things freely available online for you to read to tell you he did things that an actual racist would never do. That being said, A SHIT TON of racists had a deep, emotional investment in Zimmerman being acquitted. How? Well, Zimmerman is half white (sidenote: his dad is mad racist) and half Peruvian, but I've checked Twitter and Facebook, and I'm not seeing a lot of Peruvian people celebrating this verdict. So its time now for paranoid, tin foil hat Conservatives to celebrate because this case validates two of the things they hold most dear: GUNZ and "those people" getting what they deserved. It's like if one of the guys at the beginning of The Dark Knight who Batman told to stop wearing hockey pads ended up on trial and Hannity.  And that's all George Zimmerman was. A wannabe superhero who would be damned if another one of those "‘fucking punks. those assholes…" were gonna get away from him this time. His raging hard on to prove his worth as Neighborhood Watch Commander (which didn't have the greatest of track records) caused him to criminally profile a black teenager, follow him, get out of his car against the advice of the 911 operator, then confront Trayvon Martin. And in a tragic episode of "When Keepin' Real Goes Wrong", he immediately realized his comical incompetence and that the danger he spent all his nights looking for, was staring him right in the face and had the audacity not to show deference to creepy white man who refused to identify himself. And at the first sign of a fight that he was completely unprepared for, Zimmerman did what our Founding Fathers did: shoot and kill what you don't understand. As a minority, this case pretty much told me what I already knew: I'm the one who has to make to white strangers feel comfortable. I'm the one who has to tap dance and say "yes sir" so they can relax their hands on their purse. If not, it's perfectly fine to shoot me because I'm automatically a threat because I'm brown. And before you say, "BUT TODD WHAT ABOUT BLACK ON BLACK CRIME THAT HAPPENS EVERYDAY?!", so what? Unlike this case, those people end up in prison. And what does it have to do with this case?  What does a shooting in a trailer park have to do with Adam Lanza? Nothing. And if you're white, please don't tell me that I'm racially sensitive and I'm the one keeping racism alive. But if you really want to, paint yourself brown or black and walk around for a week. Then get back to me.


ALSO: Although I can understand the protests, and I can see rioting as a means to release misplaced anger, nobody needs a new television that bad. So go home and be better than that.


Source: Buzzfeed

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