Mandatory Movies Cheating

Mandatory Movies: What To Watch When You’re Tempted To Cheat On Your Girlfriend

Photo: g-stockstudio (Getty Images)

Temptation is inevitable. Few of us get through long-term relationships without at least a whisper of enticement from someone other than our partners. Just because the thought of a side-dish excites you, however, doesn’t mean you should act on your urges. Aside from the fact that cheating is one of the worst things you can do to another person, movies have taught us that affairs never end well.

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That said, even the train wreck of infidelity can be a totally sexy sight on screen. So rather than sliding into the DMs of an attractive stranger, firing up your Tinder account, or texting your ex, keep it (meaning your phone) in your pants and watch these films to vicariously experience the passionate heat of an affair without the earth-shattering consequences. Your future self and your conscience will thank you for it.

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