dacre montgomery

Dacre Montgomery Takes Hard Left From ‘Stranger Things’ to Beat Poetry Podcast (And Rom Coms)

If you’ve been consuming Stranger Things with the ravenous appetite of a mind flayer, it’s most likely because of Dacre Montgomery and his unexpectedly impressive performance as the new season’s bad boy turned bad guy. While we see an even darker side to Billy Hargrove, we also get glimpses of the lighter backstory that Hargrove beautifully portrays. Such is life when it comes to Montgomery himself.

TV’s biggest badass is taking a hard left towards something we didn’t see coming after our hardest binge of the year: his new podcast, DKMH, a collection of beat poetry with accompanying music scores by popular musicians. While the trailer offers the soothing sounds of Montgomery’s moody voice, we haven’t even gotten to the good stuff: multiple years of backlogged poetry set to music scores by your favorite musicians. He may seem like a badass, folks, but this guy has a soft side he’s not afraid to explore.

More Dacre, only stranger: The Billy Hargrove Guide to Being a Misunderstood Badass

And his next project? Rom-coms. From a Power Ranger to Billy Hargrove to beat poetry to romantic comedies, there is no end to the many faces and talents of Mr. Montgomery.

DKMH is available for streaming on iTunes and Spotify starting July 11.

Cover: Emma McIntyre/Staff (Getty Images)

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