young love

Mandatory Staff Picks: 15 Films That Perfectly Capture the Agony of Young Love

Ah, young love. It’s awkward. It’s excruciating. And once in a while, it’s exhilarating. While we wouldn’t go back to adolescence for anything (not even those obsessive crushes and intense butterflies), we sure do enjoy reliving the magic (and misery) of teen relationships through movies. These 15 films perfectly capture how it feels to be innocent, in love, and agonizing over how to make a relationship work when the rest of your life is in total flux. Embrace your sensitive side and settle in for a sentimental film fest.

Cover Photo: Twentieth Century Fox

Mandatory Staff Picks: The Best Movies About Unrequited Love

Man-love movies: The 10 Best Bromance Comedies Out There

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