One woman, young tattooed female painter dipping paintbrush in colors on artist's palette for painting.

Former Fauci Scientist Finds New Career Selling Orgasm Art on OnlyFans

In the wake of the Covid pandemic, we are not surprised that so many people have had to pivot when it comes to their careers. But one woman’s professional transformation was so extreme is gave us whiplash.

Her name is Hannah Sanford, and she used to be a scientist. In fact, she used to be employed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, aka the department that Dr. Anthony Fauci runs. She left her position there in 2012 to paint murals for commercials clients. But in 2019, she discovered a new, lucrative side-hustle: orgasm art.

Photo: @hannahsanfordart (Instagram)

In case you’ve never heard of the genre, the way it works with Sanford is this: while dressed in lingerie (or just her birthday suit), she paints abstract depictions of her orgasms in oil or watercolor. Her paintings are populated with circles, swirls, explosions, and bright pops of color.

“I really focus on the feeling I had in my body and channel it through me out onto the canvas,” Sanford told The New York Post of her process. “It’s a creative release.”

Photo: @hannahsanfordart (Instagram)

It’s a money-making one as well. She sells the paintings to the tune of $500 each on OnlyFans, where she also posts videos of solo or tandem sex acts (with her construction worker partner) for her subscribers. As a sex worker-cum-artist (emphasis on the cumming) she makes bank, charging up to $700 for a private showing, which includes a custom, signed piece of artwork. She’s also ventured into teaching, offering Paint Your Pleasure classes.

“I want to culturally normalize orgasms as healthy, daily self-care,” said Sanford, who orgasms daily.

Next up: an in-person gallery exhibition, as soon as the pandemic ebbs.

“It would be great to put my orgasms on wider display, showcasing their power and healing,” she said.

We’ve got to admit: orgasms are satisfying enough on their own, but they’re even cooler when you get a keepsake you can put on your wall to remember them by.

Cover Photo: South_agency (Getty Images)

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