CRSSD Festival 2015 Lays Claim to San Diego

Whenever you go to a festival for the first time, there are always a lot of unanswered questions that could have a huge impact on the weekend. Is transportation to the venue from the hotel solid? Are lines for beer and bathrooms going to be insane? Is it easy to get from stage to stage?

Answers to simple questions like this could turn what would otherwise be an awesome festival experience into something so excruciatingly frustrating that you wished you never went in the first place. Fortunately for CRSSD attendees this year, these questions were all taken into careful consideration by the powers that be, and none of them seemed to be issues for the fans.

The simple three stage set up made getting from one end of the festival to the other a real pleasure. There was almost no noise bleed between the stages, and it was literally a seven minute walk from the front gate to the farthest stage. There were plenty of stands with food and beverages, so you never had to wait for very long for concessions. Plus they had awesome craft beers and great local food vendors ready at your beck and call.

The other two MAJOR amenities this festival had to offer were the fountains and standing pools, as well as the covered awnings in front of the two main stages. With the sun beating down on the lawn the way it did this past weekend, it would have been seriously difficult to survive the days without those two oases.

And now for the star of the show – the CRSSD Festival lineup. The artists on this bill arent’t the most famous people in the world, and aren’t necessarily known for getting places “turnt up” – but when they all came together in lovely SoCal, they absolutely tore the house down. Between Zhu dropping his new track with Gallant (who came out on stage to sing live), KYGO doing us dirty with his Sexual Healing, and St Lucia Elevating us to the night’s sky, I can say for sure that this was one for the record books – and there couldn’t have been one unsatisfied customer in the place.

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