Of Course The Photo Of Barack Obama And Donald Trump Shaking Hands Got Photoshopped

Photo: Jim Watson (Getty)

Well, that was fast.

America is still reeling over the shocking election results, as not only were women protesting while topless, but now people are seeing metaphors in eagles stuck in sewer drains. And it all became even more awkward and bizarre when our new president (will never feel normal saying that) Donald Trump met with the man that is leaving the White House at the end of January, Barack Obama. Let’s just that everyone involved looked super uncomfortable.

Take a look at the picture below:

Of Course The Photo Of Barack Obama And Donald Trump Shaking Hands Got Photoshopped

Photo: Jim Watson (Getty)

This captures perfectly what both men are thinking. They honestly have no clue what the hell is going on. And we don’t either. So of course people tried to throw a little bit of humor into things by taking this photo through the Photoshop ringer.

Take a look at some of the best creations thanks to Reddit:

We are going to have at least another four years of Photoshops like this, and even more jokes, memes and parodies. It’s going to be a long four years, but at least we are in this together, so let’s try our best to laugh and keep our sanity. Whatever is left of it at least.

Now check this out: Donald Trump Behaves Very Similarly  To The Boss From ’90s Sitcom ‘Dinosaurs’

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