Clemson Won The National Championship And This Girl Followed Through On Her Promise To Get A Tiger Paw Ass Tattoo

Photo: Twitter

Remember a little while back when a Clemson University student named Peyton Darnell told the internet world that she would get a “Lock Her Up” tattoo on her ass if Donald Trump became president? Well guess what? Trump pulled it off, and of course, Darnell didn’t follow through. But she is back at it again, because the internet reminded her of another statement she made on Twitter.

Let’s first see what Darnell said back in August:

Boy, this gal sure loves the attention.

Well the Clemson Tigers shocked everyone and beat Alabama to win it all, so of course the Tigers Fan Forum reminded Darnell:

Since she didn’t follow through on her “Lock Her Up” tattoo, many folks assume she wouldn’t follow through on this. But…

Guess what folks? It actually happened this time.

Clearly she isn’t the brightest, but I’m sure her local Hooters restaurant will love to have her on board soon. OK, that was mean. Applebee’s it is.

Via Busted Coverage

More tattoo fun: Hot New Zealand Woman Getting Her Ass Tattooed After Auctioning Off Space On It For $6,500

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