Photo: John Cancalosi (Getty)
Why, God, why?
I’ve been very lucky that nothing has crawled up my toilet and taking a chomp out of me, but that is still something that resides in the back of my head. Well for one family this fear became a reality one day when a rattlesnake appeared in their toilet. And let’s just say that the nightmare was only getting started.
Cassie McFadden was able to to kill the rattlesnake in the toilet with a shovel. Yes ladies and gentlemen, a shovel. Here it is.
Family Finds Rattlesnake In Toilet Only To Find They Are Living With 23 More Snakes

Photo: Facebook
But that wasn’t the end of things, because after Cassie and her family called Big Country Snake Removal for help, owner Nathan Hawkins decided to go on a little snake hunt around the house. And well, this is the horror show that kicked off.
Nathan first went to the old storm cellar in the house where he found 13 snakes.

Photo: Facebook
Nathan also found this one.

Photo: Facebook
Don’t worry, there’s more. Nathan crawled under the house to find ten more rattlesnakes. And some of them were still babies.

Photo: Facebook
In total: 24 damn snakes (including the toilet one). 24!
But don’t you worry, snake lovers! Nathan actually relocates the snakes he finds or donates them to various schools. So go Nathan! And here’s the original Facebook post for you to enjoy.
And now I shall stop myself from wondering if there are hundreds of snakes underneath my floorboards.
h/t Distractify