This Is Why You Have To Be Patient When You’re On Tinder

Photo: Westend61 (Getty)

More often than not, Tinder usually can cause you to have a headache. From all the mindless swiping, to the creeps you come across to the long periods of time without a match, Tinder can be quite the nuisance. But, as you know by now, sometimes you come across some gems. Gems like these three women on Tinder who love to show off their sex skills. Or like this hot pastor’s daughter. That’s right, a pastor’s daughter.

But now, let’s all take a look at why when things get rough on Tinder, you have to stick with it, because sometimes it pays off. Take a look at what we mean by taking a look at this Tinder convo that this dude had with this gal.

Check it out below thanks to Reddit.

This Is Why You Have To Be Patient When You’re On Tinder

Photo: Reddit

Two years. Two whole years. And this gal just said “Hi” like a minute had gone by. Some folks on Reddit believe this gal just deleted this app, got out of a relationship, and then got back on Tinder for a rebound. But hey, it took two years but she finally said hello.

Now I hope this guy is singing this song.

Good old Foreigner

More Tinder: Let’s All Thank The Lord For This Girl’s Tinder Profile

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