Florida Teacher Fired Over Homework Assignment Filled With ‘Racist’ And ‘Inappropriate’ Questions

Photo: PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou (Getty)

I guess the lesson for kids here is to not do homework, right?

While many people have had mixed reactions about this homework assignment, a teacher at Fox Chapel Middle School has still been fired after she gave her sixth grade students an “inappropriate” homework assignment that included questions about race, religion and sexual orientation.

The teacher was fired after parents complained about the homework assignment she handed their kids.

The homework assignment was titled “How Comfortable Am I?” and asked students to rate how “comfortable” they would feel in various hypothetical situations. The scale was simple: A one (“not comfortable at all”) to a four (“completely comfortable”).

Well, why don’t you take a look at the questions yourself. Take a look at them below thanks to imgur.

Photo: imgur

Photo: imgur

So as you can see, some questions are probably not the best questions to asked a bunch of 11-year-olds. Then again, they are some situations that sooner or later these kids will eventually be confronted with. But of course, some parents weren’t happy with it.

“‘How comfy are you if you see a group of black men walking to you on the street?’ That’s completely inappropriate,”Jennifer Block, whose 12-year-old daughter was in the class, said. “In no world, whatsoever, is that OK to question a child on.”

Hey, even some of the kids weren’t a fan of it. Just asks sixth grader Tori Drews.

“I thought it was very inappropriate,” Drews said. “I thought some of them were racist. I thought some of them were sexist. I thought it was completely intolerable.”

Intolerable? What 11-year-old talks like that? Well, big vocabulary. When I was 11 I was just happy to know various swear words.

After the teacher was fired the Hernando County School District said this in a statement:

“In no way, does that assignment meet the standards of appropriate instructional material.”

Well, what do you think of this assignment? Too much for some kids?

h/t Someecards

Now look at this: College Girl Tells Professor Her Homework Will Be Late Because Her Boyfriend Dumped Her

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