Minnesota Man Hands Deputy ‘Get Out Of Jail Free’ Card After Getting Arrested

Photo: Flickr/Chris Potter

Deputies with the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office have no doubt seen their share of laughable, crazy shit in their days, but this one might qualify as the top dog.

According to UPI, a Minnesota man had quite the trick up his sleeve over the weekend when he tried to get out of an arrest by producing a…wait for it…“Get Out Of Jail Free” Monopoly card.

Yeah, that didn’t work. While the traffic stop was one of the routine variety, the deputy was forced to arrest the jokester because he had an outstanding warrant stemming from a controlled substance issue in nearby Ramsey County.

Thankfully, the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office took the time to post a picture of the card to their Facebook page along with the caption, “We appreciate the humor! He carried this Monopoly card just in case. ‘A’ for effort!”

“We try to show people what the department is all about,” Captain Pat Enderlein said, adding that displaying things like this on their social media outlets is a great way to show off his department’s sense of humor while emphasizing “community” at the same time.

No word if officers would have let the dude go if he would have provided the “Get Out Of Jail Free” card from Community Chest instead of Chance.

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