A Sperm Bank Is Desperate For Redheads To Donate, So You’d Better Get To It

The beginning. Photo: Raycat (Getty).

For whatever reason, society has poked fun at redheads for a long time. Gingers can’t seem to catch a break.

Until today.

Apparently, the redheaded are the new hot tamale when it comes to women seeking donors to make babies. And now a sperm bank is asking for their help to meet demands.

Sperm Bank Desperate For Redheads To Donate Semen

Sperm-donor service Co-ParentMatch says that its members are looking for ginger donors, revealing that only two percent of their swimmers are of the red variety. The situation is so bad that they went to Facebook with an ad that asks redheads to donate “NOW.” All caps means it’s serious business, y’all.

Home insemination? How convenient!

According to Newshub.com, the demand for red semen is waaaaaay up from where it was back in 2011. One sperm bank out in Denmark was turning redheads away because nobody waanted babies who would one day have fire crotches. What the hell happened in the last six years to change minds? Your guess is as good as ours.

This news can’t be any better for all you ginger guys out there. All it takes is signing up with Co-ParentMatch, giving them your information, and spanking out donating your little guys for the good of red-kind. So what are you waiting for, gingers? Best to get to work. Countless women are depending on you.

h/t Maxim

The offers continue to roll in: This Ginger On Tinder Has An Offer You Won’t Refuse

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