Aisle of grocery store in Iowa.

Family Buys 21-Year-Old Box Of Cereal From Walmart, Eats It Before Noticing

Photo: Katrina Wittkamp (Getty)

We all know that Walmart is a complete and utter mess — and when they aren’t treating their employees awful or holding a fight club, they are apparently OK with putting boxes of cereal that expired in 1997 on the shelf.

According to Denver7, a family decided to buy a Quaker 100% Natural Granola cereal from a Littleton Walmart earlier this week. After eating a lot of it, they noticed one small issue: the cereal had expired way back in February 22, 1997. That’s right, before Mandatory existed and around the same time I wanted to be a Power Ranger.

“It looks like February 22, 1997,” Anthea Carelse said. “I had about two bites, and that was it. Unfortunately, her husband, Josiah Carelse ate a full bowl.

“I just started eating and thinking, ‘it just tastes funny. It must be ok,’” he said.

Don’t worry, no one in the family ended up getting suck, and they plan on returning the box to Walmart. But one has to wonder how in the hell that box even remained in circulation so for long. Hell, Walmart doesn’t even know as they say they are just investigating the matter.

Photo: Denver7/YouTube

Denver7 did confirm that the item’s UPC number printed on the family’s Walmart receipt matched the code printed on the cereal’s label, so the family isn’t just pulling our leg. And besides, who wouldn’t believe such a thing from Walmart? They enjoy selling garbage at the lowest price. Always.

Ugh: Guy Discovers His Kids Got Candy That Expired 18 Years Ago And Twitter Is Worried

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