Crocodile with a big -open- mouth.

A Fish Tank Is Not The Best Place For A 3-Foot Alligator To Be

Photo: carlosalvarez (Getty)

When U.S.Marshals busted down the door of 31-year-old Ohio man Robert Watson, they probably expected to find drugs, loads of cash and maybe even weapons. And that’s because Watson was wanted for violating his parole in connection to a federal conviction of drug trafficking. Well U.S Marshals instead came across something that obviously they didn’t expect to find: an alligator.

While raiding Watson’s home, law enforcement came across a fish tank with not fish in it, but instead a three-foot long caiman alligator. The alligator was found sitting in a shallow pool of water in a narrow tank.

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Forget about skipping out on parole, Watson should be taken in simply for being a massive idiot. An alligator in your home? Who does he think he is? Some famous athlete? We all know only famous folks can get away with having exotic animals under their roof.

Watson was of course arrested, and animal control handled the alligator that was found in the home.

Photo: U.S. Marshal

According to UPI, the caiman is a species “often found living in swamps and tropical rivers in Central America and South America.” So yeah, a fish tank is probably not the best residence.


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