Taxi driver using GPS to follow the route. Travelling with GPS. Taxi (fictive) application on smart phone in action.

Uber Driver Drives Down Stairs And Gets Stuck Because His GPS Told Him To

Photo: lovro77 (Getty Images)

Look, if your GPS tells you to drive straight into a river chances are that you’re not going to listen to it. Well, chances are you will listen to it if you’re the guy in this story.

According to Gizmodo, an Uber driver decided to take quite the turn in San Francisco’s Castro district as he drove down a concrete staircase because he claims his GPS told him to. And if that wasn’t humiliating enough, this guy even got stuck in the staircase and needed assistance.

Have a look:

Here’s a closer look:

Photo: Twitter

A tow truck was called in about an hour after the incident occurred so this guy’s car was stuck in the staircase and left with all his shame. While two passengers were inside the Uber at the time of the incident, they were not injured. And something tells me they didn’t leave a tip either.

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That driver, identified only as “Fred,” told Business Insider that Uber’s GPS app told him to go down the stairs. But a Google Maps view of what appears to be the scene of the accident makes it fairly clear that while there could have been a more visible no exit sign or something, there are plenty of context clues of the “don’t go this way” variety including a pedestrian crosswalk, yellow paint indicating a pedestrian curb ramp, the curb itself, and trees and other obstacles directly ahead.

Photo: Google Maps

And this is just more proof that Uber isn’t exactly your best bet when you need a ride. You’re probably better off just hitchhiking. At least you won’t end up stuck on a staircase. Well, you might end up someone worse, but hey, have to take risks sometimes.

And I think it’s only right I wrap this up with this classic.