When Courtroom Sketch Artists Clearly Don’t Like You

Photo: via frankreport.com

There is nothing more upsetting than a bad photo of yourself wandering around the internet without your approval. Now, imagine how these celebrities feel when their unflattering courtroom sketches, not only fail to get their good side, but also clearly make them look guilty. Or at least really, really ugly.

This is a fun segment we like to call When Courtroom Sketch Artists Clearly Have a Personal Agenda. Do these opinionated art pieces have any bearing on the outcome, or are they just hilarious historical evidence? Definitely at least one of the two. Now, come along as we enjoy some celebrity bashing at the hands of these Picassos of prosecution and see if they are right on the money with the verdict. One thing is for sure by the end of this: Courtney Love knows how to win a defamation case (that’s a lot of leg for the court, Court).

Tom Brady (Not Guilty)

Photo: via NPR

Bill Cosby (Guilty)

Photo: via USA Today

Allison Mack (Currently Pleading Not Guilty)

Photo: via frankreport.com

P. Diddy (Not Guilty)

Photo: via Daily Mail

Lindsay Lohan (Guilty)

Photo: via chron.com

Taylor Swift (Awarded)

Photo: via EW.com

Michael Vick (Guilty)

Photo: via patrol-log.com

Paris Hilton (Guilty)

Photo: via thestir.cafemom.com

Lil’ Kim (Guilty)

Photo: via thestir.cafemom.com

Charles Manson (Guilty)

Photo: via Pinterest

Anthony Weiner (Guilty)

Photo: via NYdailynews.com

Naomi Campbell (Guilty)

Photo: via Pinterest

Liza Minnelli (Dismissed)

Photo: via thestir.cafemom.com

Courtney Love (Awarded)

Photo: via Pinterest

Martin Skrtel (Guilty)

Photo: via knowyourmeme.com
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