man clings hood speeding car

C’mon, Guys: Man Clings To Hood As Wife Drives 70 MPH On Freeway

How many times have you found yourself on the wrong side of an argument with your significant other? That answer should be 100 percent of the time, because frankly, you’re never going to win a verbal sparring match with your wife or girlfriend. They are always right.

That’s advice this man should have taken. Instead, he found himself clinging to the hood of a car while his lady friend hammered the accelerator down a Miami freeway.

One Local 10 News viewer was driving home Sunday evening when he noticed a black Mercedes approaching from the driver side. This wasn’t your typical speeding car, though. It came equipped with a screaming man attached to the hood. He could be heard arguing while doing everything he possibly could to avoid certain death.

“She is definitely pissed off at him or something,” Daniel Midah, who recorded the incident, told Local 10.

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Midah said he was driving upwards of 70 m.p.h. and the Mercedes was keeping an equal speed. “All I was thinking is, this guy is going to slide off and hit me, slide off the other side or, if anything, he is going to slide down and she is going to hit him, and then she is going to crash into somebody else,” Midah said.

The car eventually merged off of I-95 without incident and has not been seen since. The Florida Highway Patrol is currently investigating the matter.

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