Ned Flanders Band

Ned Flanders Heavy Metal Band Rocks Out With Their Puns Out

Photo: Casey Peters 

Hi-dilly-ho, neighborinos! Okilly Dokilly is the world’s first and presumably last “Nedal” band. The “Ned” in “Nedal” stands for Ned Flanders, the Simpson family’s Evangelical neighbor who Simpsons fans find a little too good to be true.

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The Arizona-based band (Head Ned on vocals, Dread Ned on drums, Shred Ned on guitar, Bed Ned on bass, and Zed Ned on synth) have earned cult status since dressing up as Homer’s Bible-thumping neighbor back in November of 2016.

While it may seem like a cheap gimmick, heavy metal is a genre that has always played dress-up (KISS, GWAR, Slipknot). The difference here is that everyone since Gene Simmons has gone black leather, while Okilly Dokilly has ingeniously opted for wool sweaters. Okilly Dokilly’s lead singer, Head Ned, summed it up best when describing their Simpsons-inspired music, “not as fast as Bartcore, and a little cleaner than Krusty Punk.”

Their new album, Howdilly Twodilly, will be released on March 29, 2019. Below is the album’s first single, “Reneducation,” a headbanger driven by guttural Flanderisms, horror movie guitar shreds, and whack-a-doodle drum assaults.

You will have a chance to check it out for yourself as the band is currently touring across the country. Check out the “Howdilly Twodilly Tourdilly” tour poster below. And for more information and music from the band, go here. Now, if we can only get a trap-house Soundcloud release from Moe the Bartender.

Ned Flanders Band

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