electric scooter

The Electric Age of Anarchy: 14 Funny Freak-Outs From Angry E-Scooter Nonconformists

Photo: Picture Alliance (Getty Images)

Are pedals for peasants? Is walking obsolete?

E-scooters are spreading throughout the world with an infection rate that could surpass the Kardashians. If you’re lucky enough to reside in one of the 100+ opportunistic cities trading cheap convenience for head trauma by way of electric scooter, then you’ve already grown accustomed to the millennial generation’s response to walking.

Lyft, Uber and various other smaller entities jumped to develop their own versions of the nerdy Hell’s Angels transportation options faster than Dwayne Johnson signs on for a ‘Fast & Furious’ reboot. With a low price-point and high-level convenience (drop it when you’re done), the popularity has pushed these epidemic entrepreneurs to expand.

Electric Scooters: Tyranny On Two Wheels Or Cool New Form Of Transportation?

Love ’em or hate ’em, electric trash is littering city sidewalks everywhere, and true to our culture’s form, the negative reaction to these misfit toys has become binge-worthy and Instagrammable.

Have a look at some of our favorite fails of the electric scooter epidemic, then decide which side you’re on. We side with sanity and against litterbugs. At least it’s probably never been cheaper to buy a motorcycle.


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