One man, young modern businessman working alone in office, sleeping desk.

Company Wants to Pay You $1.5K to Take Naps For a Month, Talk About a Dream Job (And a Desperate Company)

Sleeping on the job is something we’re all guilty of. But what if your job was to sleep? Sounds like a dream gig, right? Well, now the title of Professional Napper is yours for the taking.

Eachnight, a site for bedding resources and mattress guides, is looking to hire a team of “Nap Reviewers.” The job duties include taking a nap every day for a month, and tracking how you sleep to figure out what the ideal nap duration is for memory, motivation, and productivity. You’ll also have to participate in video calls before and after each snooze. The paycheck for this sweet position? $1,500.

“Understanding that napping can be a tricky thing to get right, we wanted to test out some of the theories behind the practice and decided how better to gather our findings than on real people who might benefit from a nap the most,” the company posted on its website. “We wanted to test a few theories behind the pros and cons of napping to provide our community with some valuable insight. We know that in general different length naps have different benefits, but we are keen to put this to the test, and we need your help!”

Reviewers must be 18 or older, be able to sleep alone and undisturbed, and have strong English writing skills. If that sounds like you, submit an application here before May 31. As for the rest of us, we’ll just have to be satisfied with unpaid naps on our desks – which, as any exhausted young person will tell you, are priceless.

Cover Photo: South_agency (Getty Images)

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