Meanwhile in Chicago: Airline Passenger Successfully Hacks Fastest Plane Exit of All Time, Then Arrested

Photo:  Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm (Getty Images)

We all get frustrated with the de-planing process. The plane lands, we’re told not to get up from our seats and the aisle fills with people anyway. We stand, halfway in our seats, hunched over for what seems like an eternity while we wait for the doors to open so we can finally escape this sardine can that feels like it’s closing in on us. Also, even when the flight attendants open the doors, we still have to wait for everyone ahead of us to get off the plane. It’s enough to make anyone wish they could make a quick escape.

Obviously, when some of us daydream about opening a door and climbing out of a plane, we don’t do it. But one man on a plane that recently landed in Chicago must have really had places to go and people to see because he opened the emergency exit, walked on the wing, and slid down to the ground.

This isn’t the movies though, so this man didn’t run through the tarmac, hop a fence, and go home while people shook their heads and chuckled. He was promptly arrested for his unsafe and stupid behavior.

The rest of the passengers on the plane, which has just landed from San Diego, deplaned safely and went on their way after a slight delay. You know, because an impatient man opened a door, climbed onto the wing, and ran away.

Just a head up for your next flight: don’t do this. While we don’t know all the details, this guy better not need to take a flight for a while. On top of being charged with a few crimes, he’s unlikely to be able to fly (at least on that airline) any time soon.

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