An isolated Lost & Found box of costumes.

Ranked! The Weirdest Things Uber Riders Leave Behind

There are so many things to keep track of in the modern world, from your wallet and phone to your keys and iPods, you probably often wish you could morph into an octopus just so you could hold everything when you’re on the go. Given all the stuff we haul around just to be a functioning human means that, inevitably, we’ll lose some items along the way. Uber knows this, and is using riders’ memory lapses in a hilarious way.

The Uber Lost & Found Index is an annual tradition now in its sixth year. According to the ride-share giant, this index “provides a snapshot of our riders’ most commonly forgotten and most unique lost items, as well as the cities that have been most forgetful, the times of day and days of the week riders forget items most, and of course, helpful tips on how to get lost items back using the Uber app.”

We hope you don’t mind if we spoil some of the index results for you. Austin, TX, was deemed the most forgetful U.S. city for the second year in a row (is SXSW responsible for this?) while St. Patrick’s Day and Fourth of July were the days riders were most likely to leave some memorabilia behind (for obvious, alcoholic reasons).

Let’s take a deeper dive into the lost and found items. The most common forgotten items are what you’d expect: phone or camera, wallet, keys, backpack or purse, headphones or speakers, glasses, clothing, vape, jewelry, or ID. But some of the lost and found items are truly bizarre. That’s what we’re going to focus on today, ranking the weirdest items riders left behind in their Ubers.

Now the only question is: how many riders tried to claim these odd objects after the fact? Oh, the poor drivers who have to clean up this crap at the end of their workday…

Cover Photo: sdominick (Getty Images)
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