Whether she’s Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus, YouTube can’t help but make weird videos about her. The Disney-made pop princess is a muse for video makers who are a little… uh, insane? Here are 7 WTF videos about Hannah Montana:
Hannah Montana Coon Repellent
Raccoons don’t believe in having the best of both worlds.
Party In The USA Slowed Down
Soooooo sloooooooooow.
Miley Cyrus is Watching You Poop
This is happening. Things are being said. There’s nothing you can do about it.
The Weird Faces of Hannah Montana
My favorite is :57
The Miley Cyrus Tragedy
Why why why is his voice like that?
Clawface and Thrasher Love Hannah Montana
Skeletor “liked” this.
Hannah Montana Is Totally Inappropriate
We all gotta do it? I’m not so sure…
Bonus: Miley Cyrus Sings “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
Alright, I’m gonna hit the Earth Self-Destruct button.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!