7 Videos Of Angry Giraffes

When we think of animals attacking, we think of lions, wolves, and of course, the 90s. However, if you want to see an animal let loose, look no further than the giraffe. They may not have sharp teeth or claws, but one kick or neck slap and you’re in the ER. Bam! Here are 7 videos of angry giraffes:


Angry Giraffe Chases Terrified Safari Tourists

They asked him where the nearest Toys R Us was and he just flew off the handle.


Fighting Giraffes

It’s like when you’d fight in the pool with pool noodles, only a lot scarier.


Angry Giraffes Kick Their Way To Freedom

They’re bustin’ loose!


Fighting Giraffes 2: Neck 2 Neck

So impressive, the battle interrupts their boring conversation.


Giraffe Kick To The Head

Learning the most valuable lesson of all: don’t f*** around with giraffes.


Fighting Giraffes 3: Neckpocalypse


Most of the time they’re gentle vegetarians, except when they’re pushed to the limit.


Giraffe vs. Lion Pride

His friend was eaten and he’s not gonna take it anymore!


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of  The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!