Many folks on the streets of New York are trying to get to work, make an appointment, or live a productive life. Then there’s comedian Mark Malkoff, who’s on the street filming his “challenge” videos, where he challenges himself to do weird s*** and brings strangers along for the ride. These are 10 funny challenges completed by Mark Malkoff:
Married Couple Spends 48 Hours Handcuffed
Seems like a good way to speed up those divorce proceedings.
Watch 250 Films On Netflix In One Month
I want directors to do live commentary for me. What makes this guy so special?
Giving Away Free Money In NYC
Money doesn’t grow on trees. It comes from people on the street shooting videos.
The Shortest Cab Ride
They made the record for shortest cab ride and most annoyed cabbie.
Trick-Or-Treating In March
This is the ultimate trick.
Sleep Over At A Bunch Of Celebrity Homes
Hooray for Hollywood napping!
Giving Away Free Cab Rides
You just got Danza’d.
Spend A Whole Day In An Elevator
He also could’ve gotten over his claustrophobia by visiting the psychiatrist on the 6th floor.
Asking Strangers To Shave A Beard
He didn’t ask the mom, he asked the baby. The baby should’ve done it.
Testing The Limits Of What The Apple Store Will Allow
Spoiler Alert: There are no limits.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!