Naughty Dog Seeks to Advance Gaming With the Next Generation of Consoles

Naughty Dog has continued to amaze us, especially with their ability to create games that are not only extremely enticing, but fluid, and very dynamic. However, their industry-leading titles of recent years haven’t been enough for them.

Neil Druckmann recently talked about how they are more than enthusiastic for the newest generation of consoles to begin, mostly because of the improvement of system performance. They have been facing problems with creating a game with even more depth and one that is even more responsive to the players reactions than the Uncharted titles and The Last of Us.

In the case of The Last of Us, some may say that there is little improvement that could have been made to the game. Well, Druckmann disagrees as he explains how excruciatingly limited they were during development:

If you’re trying to tell a more dynamic story or use AI in sophisticated ways – some of the stuff we tried to do with The Last of Us – technology will definitely go a long way. We were running out of memory as far as how many animations Ellie can carry, or how much dialogue we could stream at one time. And that’s where going to the PS4 in the future could really help us in the dynamic area of the game where the story is responding to the player’s input on a moment-to-moment basis.

With this, it only goes to show just how far Naughty Dog is willing, and ready, to go to provide the best in virtual entertainment. We can only hope that the current title they are working on will come to prove all of this, because there is only so far a game can go with graphics before it needs actual substance.

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