The PS3 Will Continue to be Supported After the Next-Gen Begins, Says Sony

With the current buzz around Grand Theft Auto V and the upcoming release of the next generation of consoles, people have been wondering what is going to become of today’s hardware.

As far as PlayStation goes, Jim Ryan from Sony announced that the PS3 will continue to be sold and have games produced for the system. A prime example being GTA V which has joined the rankings of notorious PS3 games like The Last of Us that will keep the system alive and on store shelves. To provide some kind of support to these hopes and claims of a continuing PS3 world, Jim Ryan stated:

We never forget current gen when next gen launches and PS3 will be no different. Witness the fact that we brought brilliant new IP to the console this year in The Last of Us and Beyond Two Souls, not to mention the small matter of GT6 coming in December. Historically PlayStation platforms have had very long lifecycles, the PS2 is still going strong in some countries, believe it or not!

As minimal and redundant as this may seem, there is hope for the PS3 to live a future beyond 2013 with great gaming titles, even after the release of the PS4. If you’re doubtful, just look at the PS2 which is still being purchased and played often. The PS1 and PS2 are really a testament to Sony’s dedication to their consoles, so you can all look forward to countless new games, even if you can’t afford the next-gen.

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