In California — up and down the west coast, really — it’s tough to find many burger fans who aren’t In-N-Out loyalists. In the north and Midwest, memories of White Castle and bags full of their famous quasi-sliders reach back to childhood.
But down south…it’s all about Whataburger.
The beefy burgers and A-framed restaurants started popping up in Corpus Christi, Tex. back in 1950. Now, the Lone Star favorite has more than 700 outlets in 10 states — not to mention a devoted legion of fanatic fans who actually taste-test the multiple varieties of Whataburger ketchup.
Yes, Whataburger aficionados swear the different numbers printed on the restaurant’s ketchup packages actually denote different flavors of tomato-based condiments.
The company denies this, by the way…but isn’t the mark of a company’s cultural impact when conspiracy theories like this just won’t die?
In case that ketchup story is new to you, our friends over at Thrillist have compiled that along with nine other factoids for the ultimate Whataburger primer — everything you need to know to max out your Whata-experience.