VIDEO: Don Draper Wants LeBron James to Return to Cleveland, Cavs

Look, we heartily endorse Cleveland's campaign to see favorite exiled son LeBron James return to his hometown team for one more go via free agency this summer.

Considering Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert is still drawing breath, we don't think it has a snowball's chance in hell of happening…but that isn't stopping the Mistake by the Lake from pulling out all the stops to bring King James home.

In fact, an industrious sort has decided to rope in one of the most persuasive ad execs of our time to help seal the deal.

Check out the Bleacher Report video above also posted to Crave sports site NESN as Cavs fans enlist Don Draper from "Mad Men" in an attempt to tug at LeBron's heartstrings and bring him back to Cleveland.

Editing in James images to Don's amazing Carousel pitch from the show's first season finale "The Wheel," Cleveland may have found its most powerful tool yet to show LeBron that all is forgiven and its time for him to come home.

That — plus a $100 million, long-term contract offer — should just about do the trick…