Amanda Schull On New Showcase Show 12 Monkeys

Amanda Schull (“Suits,” “Center Stage”), star of Showcase’s new sci-fi drama “12 Monkeys,” recently held a press day in Toronto to discuss this project as well as others that she’s working on. “12 Monkeys,” which premieres on Friday, January 16th at 10pm on Showcase, is based on the classic Terry Gilliam cult film, which has its 20th anniversary next year.


CraveOnline: Tell us a bit about “12 Monkeys.” Were you familiar with the book and film, and how does the TV format make for a different story than people may be used to?

Amanda Schull: “12 Monkeys” is the TV adaptation of the film by the same name, and it’s the same producers as the film who are working on the TV series. We’re doing as much as we can to respect the original without being an imitation. Expanding storylines

Any other projects that you’re currently working on?

An occasional “Suits” pop up every once in awhile.

You’ve worked with some incredible women in the biz… anyone you have yet to work with and would like to, female or male?

Oh my gosh… an obvious answer would be Meryl Streep because she’s just amazing. The only downside [to working with her would be that] I would probably become such a spectator! It wouldn’t become a back and forth but a jaw-on-the-ground moment to be in a scene with her.

I know you’re American… what do you think of Canada? And Toronto, where you’re filming?

It’s definitely my home away from home. I’ve been going back and forth for “Suits” for the last few years and this year I was back and forth, coming up once a week for “12 Monkeys.” I love it. I love Canada. I love Toronto. I love the food and the energy of the people. I really do love this city. It’s such a beautiful country up here. It’s very similar [to the US] but it’s a different vibe.

What do you do when you’re not busy working?

I just lie around like a sloth (laughs). No, I have a little dog that I walk everywhere and explore on foot, and I like to cook a lot and explore markets and restaurants. I still take dance classes. And I travel.