Ashley Greene Is Candid

Much has been made of Robert Pattinson’s sexual orientation due to his borderline gay comments, really fuckin gay comments, and the fact that he dates a chick who looks like she runs a booth at Lilith Fair. But women seem to fall all over him. You know, just like they did with Clay Aiken and Ricky Martin. Look, I’m not saying Pattinson is gay. I’ll let Ashley Greene do it for me. People reports:

“When I met Rob, I didn’t think twice about him,” Greene says in new issue of Seventeen, on newsstands May 25. “He’s really attractive, but that chemistry wasn’t there.” And with what could be a dagger in the hearts of woman all over the world, Greene says the sex symbol “doesn’t understand girls.”

I didn’t understand girls either, but that stopped around the 6th grade. So either Robert Pattinson is an alien humanoid sent here to study us and learn our ways or balls in his face is what he calls “Tuesday”.