Mixing Diet Soda With Alcohol Raises Breathalyzer Levels 18 Percent

The diet soda industry has taken a bigger beating lately than the Milwaukee Bucks.

Fresh off the news that diet soda sales are rapidly declining, a new study says that when men and women mixed the low-calorie substitute with booze, it made them more intoxicated.

According to Scientific American, researchers studied 16 casual drinkers in three different sessions. In one session, vodka was mixed with regular soda. The next time around, researchers mixed the vodka with diet soda. In the final session, the subjects drank a placebo.

After each study, the drinkers were given a breathalyzer test and reaction time assessment, and they were also asked to rate their own drunkenness.

The end result?

Not only does ordering a cocktail with diet soda make you look like a huge pansy, but it also makes you more inebriated.

On top of breathalyzer readings that were 18 percent higher when the vodka was mixed with diet soda, reaction times were slower even though the subjects themselves didn’t think they were.

We would love to get the results of the placebo session, as well. You know there had to be at least one guy who thought, “Dude, I’m hammered.”

(via Scientific American)

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