Guy Takes Redskin’s Cheerleader To Prom After He Gets 10K Retweets

Man, the power of social media is real, and Stephen Bieber (no relation to the one you dislike) knows more about that than anyone.

Stephen is a big fan of Washington Redskin’s cheerleader Christa Taylor Aiken, so he thought he would reach out to her on her Instagram and asks her if 10,000 retweets on Twitter would be enough for her to go to prom with him. And she agreed.

Now while Stephen is sporting under 400 followers (now a tad over) on his Twitter, he still managed to get the necessary amount of retweets in order to take Christa to his prom. And Stephen has the pictures to prove it. Check them out below thanks to his Twitter:

And even Christa chimed in with her own pictures on her Twitter:

Let this be a lesson to all you kids: forget hard work. Twitter is the way to go to accomplish your goals. And hey, this is what “hard work” won Stephen:

Remember when my hair was healthy for that split second #blondehairproblems

A photo posted by Christa (@dcfitchick) on

I like this dresser

A photo posted by Christa (@dcfitchick) on

h/t The LAD Bible

Or you can bring a porn star: Tennessee Frat Bro Brings Porn Star To Parents’ Weekend Formal

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