
Candy Bar-Flavored Beer Satisfies Your Two Biggest Vices Simultaneously, 2021 Off a Healthy Start

We all start off the new year with the same old goals: eat healthier, drink less. But let’s be realistic: how long are you going to stick to a Spartan-like existence? We’d bet not long. After the year we’ve just had, we wouldn’t blame you for indulging in your favorite comfort foods and alcoholic beverages on a regular basis until there’s a coronavirus vaccine in your arm.

That’s why we’re so excited that St. Paul brewery Tin Whiskers has partnered up with Pearson’s Candy Company to create a sweet line of brewski that includes Salted Nut Roll Cream Ale, Nut Goodie Porter, Mint Patties Double Stout and Bit O’Honey Blonde.

“Peanuts, chocolate and maple flavors work pretty naturally with beer,” Tin Whiskers president and founder Jeff Moriarty told the Star Tribune.

The relationship between brewers and candy makers goes way back. In 2004, the Brewers Supply Group (BSG) of Shakopee, Minnesota, a big distributor of brewing essentials like grains, hops, and yeast, started burying Salted Nut Rolls and Nut Goodies in its shipments as a thank-you gift to breweries. When the pallets arrived at their destinations, brewers would try to be the first to uncover the candy bars. The tradition even inspired Southern Grist brewery in Nashville to create a Salted Nut Roll-based stout called Brewer’s Treasure.

Those specific candy bars were perfect for shipping because they weathered the elements well, thanks to their sturdy texture. “Those pallets are heavy and sometimes sit out in the sun on loading docks, so it couldn’t be some kind of candy that would get all mushy,” BSG’s marketing director Juno Choi told the Star Tribune.

While Tin Whiskers’ line of dessert beers are based on the flavors featured in Salted Nut Rols, Nut Goodies, Mint Patties, and Bit O’Honeys, Iowa brewery Barn Town went a step further. It blended hundreds of Nut Goodie bars into its Oh My Goodies imperial stout during the brewing process.

“The richness and saltiness of the candy bars really fits right in with the deep roastiness and bitterness of an imperial stout,” Barn Town brewer Alex Lovinggood said. “It was hard not to just eat it all when it got here.”

While beer drinkers are going nuts for these tasty brews, Pearson’s Candy Company is enjoying newfound notoriety well beyond its former cult following. Sounds like a win-win for sweet tooths and boozehounds alike! As for those New Year’s resolutions? They’re going right down the drain with all those green smoothies we’re not drinking…

Cover Photo: Tin Whiskers

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