Florida teen knife

Meanwhile in Florida: Teen Attacks Family With Knife After Getting ‘Cut Off’ From Eating Tomatoes (God Knows How She’ll React Over Chocolate)

Throwing a tantrum at the dinner table is typical for any kid. But throw a sharp knife (and a craze for fresh produce) into the mix, and we’ve got ourselves some weird news! It all began when little Katie Jade Gates was denied seconds of tomatoes during dinner, and things went south pretty fast. Yes, tomatoes.

After her request was rejected, Gates reportedly became so enraged that she pulled a kitchen knife and allegedly chased her elderly grandparents into the front yard and yelled, “Motherf*cker, I’ll stab you in your f*cking face!”

Suffice it to say, Gates was arrested and eventually released on $18,000 bail. Authorities are unsure if she was planning to cut them in hopes they’d squirt tomato juice. We’re just worried how she might react when she finds out we ate the last of her chocolate-covered pretzels…

Photo: themacx (Getty Images)

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