Lion Attacks Circus Trainer During Show And I Honestly Don’t Feel Sorry For The Dude

Photo: YouTube

Does anyone feel sorry for these circus trainers that are attacked by the animals they abuse?

Just like I didn’t feel bad for the matador that had 11 inches of a bull’s horn shoved up his butt, I don’t feel bad at all for this circus trainer that got trampled and attack by a lion after he kept snapping at with a stick. This dude got what he deserved, and he’s pretty damn lucky that he escaped with all his limbs attached.

Take a look at the attack below — an attack that of course occurred in the saddest place on earth: Russia.

Lion Attacks Circus Trainer During Show And I Honestly Don’t Feel Sorry For The Dude

So according to these trainers if you want a lion to stop attacking you you yell at it, snap at it with a stick or pour some water on it. Makes sense.

Of course everyone watching this is on the lion’s side, because who the hell is rooting for these idiots with the sticks? And besides, those lions probably realized they were living in Russia and got pissed off.

Time to watch this video now:  I Don’t Feel Bad For Laughing At This Terrified Kid Crying As A Llama Sticks His Head Inside Car Window