Couple Caught Having Sex In Parking Lot During Storm And They Don’t Give A Damn (NSFW)

Screenshot: Facebook

Is there something about rain in Atlanta that makes people want to have sex? Probably, because that’s exactly what one couple was up to during a rain storm in the middle of a parking lot. And another couple spotted them, filmed it and of course put it on Facebook.

There’s not a lot of background to this video but here’s what we do know: the couple hooking up in the video clearly have a great sex life. The couple hooking up clearly don’t give a damn that they’ve been spotted. And the couple filming this got absolutely bashed for bothering the couple that just wanted to hook up in the rain like in the movies.

Let’s first take a look at the NSFW video of the couple hooking up. And once again, make sure your boss isn’t behind you while you’re watching this one.

Oh, and apparently this couple is incapable of properly filming something. Surprisingly, people on Facebook were giving the parking lot lovers kudos, all while bashing the people behind the camera. Here are just some reactions.

So it certainly looks like Facebook is on team parking lot sex romp. In conclusion, it sounds like Facebook wants that couple to mind their own business. What do you think?

h/t Dude Comedy

And then there’s this: Woman Scolds Couple After She Catches Them Having Oral Sex In Public