Door-To-Door Saleswoman Looks Super Interested When Dude Tells Her He’s A Porn Star

Photo: uniball (Getty)

I know they are just doing their job, but salespeople are the worst. And while you can avoid them when you’re out and about, it’s a whole different story when they are going up to your door and trying to get you to buy something. And if you listen long enough they will convince you that your entire house will be ransacked if you don’t get their security system. Well the guy in this video decided to mess with one saleswoman recently.

A YouTube user shared a video of how he dealt with a woman who happened to knock on his friend’s door asking about energy service. But when asked what his profession is he just tells her he’s a porn star. Here’s the video’s description below.

“I was visiting a friend’s house when a woman approached to ask about my energy service. When she asked my profession, I told her I was a professional porn star. I really don’t know why I said porn star. It just came out. For some reason, I had in my head that I was going to be a porn star or a dolphin trainer. I was surprised by her reaction and the fact she seemed intrigued by the job. Even when I said my electricity was wired up to the lamppost, she still continued with her job. She seemed to laugh about it so hopefully she took it on the chin and knows that I was only having a bit of fun.”

Took it on the chin, eh? Now enjoy the pretty hilarious video.

Wait, isn’t this how the majority of porn clips kick off? Well, from what I’ve heard at least…

She’s also in the business: German Porn Star Sued For Moaning Too Loudly In Her Home, Offers Neighbors Amazing Gift To Make Things Right